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Recent Publications

  1. S. Yatawatta, Reinforcement learning, Astronomy and Computing, 2024. (post-print)
  2. S. Yatawatta, Spatially constrained direction-dependent calibration, MNRAS, 2022. (post-print)
  3. S. Yatawatta and Ian Avruch, Deep reinforcement learning for smart calibration of radio telescopes, MNRAS, 2021. (post-print)
  4. S. Yatawatta, Polarization-based online interference mitigation in radio interferometry, IEEE, 2021. (post-print)
  5. S. Yatawatta, Stochastic calibration of radio interferometers, MNRAS, 2020. (post-print)

I do research in radio astronomical data processing algorithm development using tools in signal processing, statistics, machine learning and high performance computing.